Recently I posted my thoughts on gay marriage to a Facebook thread and it got quite a response. It is a topic that I feel so strongly about, I just had to write a post on it.
While some people describe marriage as just a piece of paper, it does not take away from the fact that it holds a lot of emotional importance to certain people. Whatever the significance or meaning that marriage holds for people in general, it is not the point of discussion. The point is, couples should not be discriminated against because of their gender.
Here I am going to tackle the two main arguments against gay marriage:
1. Gay marriage is unnatural
It is unnatural based on two people of the same gender not being able to conceive. This argument really makes my blood boil! Many couples cannot conceive, does this mean that they are unnatural and should not be allowed to marry? I find this argument to be highly insensitive, insulting and downright cruel! When I argue this point, it has come back to me that some 'normal' couples can't conceive 'because of an impediment to their normal potential to do so'. Thank you Einstein for explaining that so eloquently!

2. Being gay is against my religion
I think the below picture explains it best. If you believe that gay marriage is against your own beliefs due to religion or whatever, then you don't do it. But you cannot impose your own morals onto others.
In my opinion, many people that are against gay marriage are just so darn miserable that they create whatever rules there are to happiness so that few others can fit into these false criteria, then that way they will have a 'right' to condemn them! By doing so, these people can make others miserable with them. Proof that misery does in fact love company.
My belief is that any natural couple drawn together by love, regardless of gender should be allowed to marry. While in Ireland we have to wait until 2015 before we have a referendum for gay marriage, we are moving in the right direction. Despite the long wait, I am glad that we are moving progressively. Now let's wait for the rest of the world to follow suit!
I'm proud to say that the opinions voiced in this post are not only those of my own personal views, but also those of my business, Shen Wong Jewellery. I am not afraid of losing business from those that oppose gay marriage!
If you send out mean and negative vibes, it will all come back to you. In the end you are the one that is going to be miserable by being bitter. Be happy for others and you will be a happier person.
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