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Shen Wong Blog

A typical lady, I have something to say about everything!

Sharing thoughts on beauty, fashion and leading a positive go getter life through my own philosophy of 'Shen-isms'.

21 Nov 2013

Cute Label Alert: Dresses by Jones + Jones

Recently I discovered my new love at a sale rack in TopShop. I love going through sale items, it's the best way to try something new as I will buy anything if it is discounted enough! I am a real bargain queen.

Flicking through the sale rail I discovered several dresses by Jones + Jones. These really caught my eye as they were so cute and feminine. From what I tell after a bit of research on their website, most of their dresses have a net underskirt, giving their dresses a fun and flirty feel.

Feeling rather angelic in my white dress

The dresses are fitted on top, while the skirt 'puffs' out. I felt like a princess walking around with the light skirt swishing around my thighs. 

Feeling petite & girly

These dresses look best when teamed with a pair of high heels. They are made to be dramatic!

Before you buy too many, beware! These sweeties take up a lot of room! The underskirt probably takes up about the same space as five normal dresses (I bought four!). I had to move a few things out of my wardrobe to fit them in. I did first try to convince my husband to bin some of his clothes, but he rejected my suggestion *sigh*.

I wish I could have a separate wardrobe just for these dresses as they have an amazing sale on now!

Leave a comment to let me know what you think of Jones + Jones.

Shop here:


17 Nov 2013

3 Steps To Getting Financial Support

Many people may be put off setting up their own business due to tight finances. But with some savings and a bit of financial support from the government, your dreams can be within reach!

How I got financial support:
  1. Applied for the Back To Work Enterprise Allowance,
  2. Prepared a detailed business plan,
  3. Applied for the Short-Term Enterprise Allowance with the Tolka Partnership.
          Weekly allowance approved!

After I left my job, I knew that I wanted to set up my own business. This will be a slow process as there is a lot of set up work and I will not be bringing in much money within the first couple of months.

To overcome the lack of income in the early stages of my set-up, I applied for the Back To Work Enterprise Allowance (BTWEA) otherwise known as the dole or scratcher. This is a fund for people who are unemployed. Until I've created business viable products, I considered myself to be an unemployed person pursuing on a VERY expensive hobby/idea. On that basis, it is fair for me to avail of this fund.

Recently I completed my online shop set up on Etsy, and made some sales, so it was no longer fair for me to be on an unemployment allowance. I have since successfully applied for the Short-Term Enterprise Allowance (STEA). This pays the same as the BTWEA and for the same nine month period, but rather than coming out of a pot for unemployed people, it is for start up entrepreneurs. 

Benefits of STEA over BTWEA
  • Money is paid straight into your bank account.
  • No need to sign-in anymore at the unemployment office.
  • No need to attend meetings with case worker.
Note: You cannot get the STEA grant if you are registered as a sole trader.

The resources I mentioned are only available in Ireland. But there should be support in most countries. Remember, Google is your best friend for information!

Read more about Irish government support and process > here.
Application for STEA form > here.
How to apply for STEA:
- If you live in an area covered by a local development company (xls) (LDC), apply to the Enterprise Officer.
- If you do not live in an LDC area, apply to the Jobs Facilitator in your social welfare local office.

8 Nov 2013

Say 'Yes' to Gay Marriage!

Love is all you need for marriage!

Recently I posted my thoughts on gay marriage to a Facebook thread and it got quite a response. It is a topic that I feel so strongly about, I just had to write a post on it.

While some people describe marriage as just a piece of paper, it does not take away from the fact that it holds a lot of emotional importance to certain people. Whatever the significance or meaning that marriage holds for people in general, it is not the point of discussion. The point is, couples should not be discriminated against because of their gender.

Here I am going to tackle the two main arguments against gay marriage:

1. Gay marriage is unnatural
It is unnatural based on two people of the same gender not being able to conceive. This argument really makes my blood boil! Many couples cannot conceive, does this mean that they are unnatural and should not be allowed to marry? I find this argument to be highly insensitive, insulting and downright cruel! When I argue this point, it has come back to me that some 'normal' couples can't conceive 'because of an impediment to their normal potential to do so'. Thank you Einstein for explaining that so eloquently!

2. Being gay is against my religion
I think the below picture explains it best. If you believe that gay marriage is against your own beliefs due to religion or whatever, then you don't do it. But you cannot impose your own morals onto others.

In my opinion, many people that are against gay marriage are just so darn miserable that they create whatever rules there are to happiness so that few others can fit into these false criteria, then that way they will have a 'right' to condemn them! By doing so, these people can make others miserable with them. Proof that misery does in fact love company.

My belief is that any natural couple drawn together by love, regardless of gender should be allowed to marry. While in Ireland we have to wait until 2015 before we have a referendum for gay marriage, we are moving in the right direction. Despite the long wait, I am glad that we are moving progressively. Now let's wait for the rest of the world to follow suit!

I'm proud to say that the opinions voiced in this post are not only those of my own personal views, but also those of my business, Shen Wong Jewellery. I am not afraid of losing business from those that oppose gay marriage!

If you send out mean and negative vibes, it will all come back to you. In the end you are the one that is going to be miserable by being bitter. Be happy for others and you will be a happier person.

Please leave a comment to show your support.

4 Nov 2013

Interview with

My First Interview!

This month I was invited to my first interview as Shen Wong Jewellery with This is very exciting as are a Fashion website in Ireland that are really starting to take off!

How I Did It!

I simply reached out and tweeted that I would like to feature on their website. To sweeten the deal I offered them an item from my product line for their readers as a competition prize. They responded positively and arranged the interview within a month.

If you are in a similar startup situation, I would advise you to start small and contact new or small fashion sites and bloggers to feature your products. It will help you gain a bit of experience and exposure before you move up to the likes of Vogue or So Sue Me!

Tip: Always ensure that the interviewer includes a link to your website and social media pages. Not only can it increase sales opportunities and connections, but it can improve your Google search rankings.

I hope you found this post helpful. Please leave a comment to share your thoughts and ideas.

Read my interview with here.