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Shen Wong Blog

A typical lady, I have something to say about everything!

Sharing thoughts on beauty, fashion and leading a positive go getter life through my own philosophy of 'Shen-isms'.

11 Dec 2013

Irish Product Review: Felt by Sheena - Handmade Soap

Felt by Sheena Soap

As someone with a cute and delightful dash of OCD, I LOVE my cleansing products. It's something that gets me really excited in an adorable way, although some people misconstrue this as being weird. Imagine my delight when I got my hands on a Felt by Sheena soap which according to the Irish entrepreneur is your antibacterial washcloth and soap all in one!

Stunning Colors

Upon opening the wrapping, the first thing that hit me was the stunning and vibrant colors of the felt wool enveloping this soap. An exciting mix of yellow, red and deep pink encase a deliciously sweet scent of 'Rhubarb & Custard'. Similar to how a young child can't wait to play with their new toy on Christmas day, I couldn't wait to jump into the shower to try my Felt by Sheena soap!

Having tried the soap, I was not disappointed. The felt gently exfoliated my skin, leaving it feeling extra clean. Surprisingly it did not dry out my skin at all. According to Sheena Walsh, the Irish entrepreneur who hand makes this, it is the glycerin base which is high in moisture and kind to the skin that prevents that dried out feeling that you typically get with soap. 

An added bonus is that the felt casing not only removes scum residue but it also eliminates that 'icky and gooey' wet soap feel.

 I would highly recommend this product as not only is it great for gently cleansing your skin, but it also smells wonderful during and post shower. 

Competition Time!!!

Win a delicious Rhubarb & Custard felted soap by Sheena.
Many other great prizes to be won, worth €170!
Ends 26/12/13. Enter HERE:

Buy your Felt by Sheena soap here for only €4:

10 Dec 2013

Swarovski Design Winner!

Back in October I entered a jewellery design competition hosted by Swarovski. The theme for the design was halloween. My most popular product is my crystal ball pendant necklace, so I decided to base the design on a spooky crystal ball pumpkin.

The first design I came up looked a bit like a toy as it was too detailed. So I had to revised the design and come up with something a little more simple.

First Design
My second design looked much better, so I submitted my entry to Swarovski. Turns out I was right as I am a winner! While I did not make first place, my design was still selected to win a prize.

Final Competition Entry
A box of goodies from Swarovski arrived for me yesterday and I just had to share the great news. Swarovski sent me eight beautiful packages of their finest crystals. I can't wait to use them to make something amazing!

My Prizes

Let me know what you think I should make with these little beauties by leaving a comment.

9 Dec 2013

Interviewed by

Irish Women In Business: Shen Wong Jewellery

Recently I was featured by popular Irish women website, They interviewed me for their section on Irish Women in Business. It was such a buzz to be contacted by such a huge well known website in Ireland.

This interview was quite different to the ones I have done before with or on air as there was a real focus on my career background and the fashion industry. A very fun meeting all in all!

After I posted about my interview on Facebook, I got a huge response from my fanbase offering supportive and kind words. It always lovely to see the support out there for me. I am spoiled with love! :)

Read my interview here.

Leave a comment to let me know what you think.

1 Dec 2013

Live Interview: On the Radio

1st Radio Interview - Friday 15th November

I was recently invited by Upstarts for a 30 minute interview on Dublin City FM. It was one of the most exciting tasks I have done in my career!

Nervous smile

You can hear my voice shaking as I have never been one to enjoy public speaking, but Kelly and Andy from Upstarts were fantastic at keeping the conversation going and making me feel as relaxed as possible.

Now I'm talking!

Once I got talking, there was no stopping me. I actually had so much fun on the show, I would love to go back on again. There is such a rush from it! Anyone looking for radio interviewees?

Looking coy.
You can listen to the podcast for my interview below. It's quite funny and light hearted. Find out about my title of Miss beautiful baby of Drogheda 1982, how I got started in my business and some of the wonderful people that helped me along the way.

Listen now

Let me know your thoughts on my first radio interview.